Saturday, January 21, 2006

A Crapshoot?

This coming Friday I arrive in Miami and Finally get to see Batman again! God, I have been driving my friends and myself crazy with anticipation!

Batman is picking me up at the airport and we are still not sure where we are staying that night. There is a HUGE dance party at Miami's biggest club that night, which we are planning to attend. As I recall, the men in Miami are exceptionally beautiful. The only drawback is that they know it. My optic nerve will probably go into overload with all the EyE (heh) candy. It doesn't matter who I am with when I am dropping and dancing. I always end up with a sore neck from looking around so much! Batman has already experienced this phenomena.

This cruise is probably going to be the best vacation I have experienced thus far. Truth be told, I would be just as excited if I were meeting Batman in Peoria! I miss him and I want him! When I return home, I expect to either be in love or licking my wounds. It's worth the risk, the emotional payoff is there!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Cruising for a Culinary Tutor for Teste Tuesdays

Apparently I should not walk up to a good looking male stranger and ask which sign he is, if heaven is missing an angel, or if that is pork I smell. I also shouldn't waste time commenting on how large his boots are or tell him how much he will like having his face buried in my pillow, according to my two best friends.

No, Ida has made it clear that I don't have time for any of that frivolity. And Phyllis was laughing much too hard to not be in agreement. Instead of finding fun, I should be concentrating on finding somebody with the knowledge of Julia Child and the patience of Gandhi. Someone who can turn this klutz in the kitchen into a prince of the palate.

I am not surprised. It actually makes me laugh. They have been coming over here for months every Tuesday and eating whatever I put in font of them. My taste buds probably gave up years ago. I have always said that I eat to live, not live to eat.

OK guys, I promise to do something about it. Either I will make sure the cocktails are stronger or rotate Chinese, pizza and buckets of chicken on Tuesday evenings. Or even better yet, I could take your exact advice and enroll in a class!

Thanks for the honesty. My future husband thanks you also!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Hopeful for 2006

It has been quite a while since I have posted. I am unsure why... I made it through the Holidays unscathed and without too much melancholy. Thanks TC!

I am optimistic that the New Year will be fruitful and memorable for all of those I love as well as myself.

In eighteen days I fly to Miami to meet up with Batman for our cruise. I can't wait to see his smile and spend time with him again. I don't have a clue where the two of us are headed, if anywhere, but I believe this will be a defining trip. I am hoping for the best... Regardless of the outcome, I am going to have FUN!

Work has been blah and I am having some difficulty finding my drive. At the very least, I am sure out of desperation it will appear. I have begun to look for a new job. It will probably take a while to find a position that I actually want because I am innately lazy and hate working. Although, I have worked since I was sixteen years old. At many times in my life I have held more than one job. I don't want to go back to that.

Cheers to the New Year, new experiences, relationships, loves, opportunities and peace!