With Gratitude and Appreciation

Once a year we gather our friends and family around us and give thanks for our blessings. On other occasions, we celebrate the same blessings, ie: Christmas, Hanukkah and milestones such as birthdays, weddings, domestic unions, even funerals. But even so, we tend to lose site of how much we truly value what should matter rather easily. Many times we realize just how precious something/someone is only when it/they are gone.
I try and be thankful every day. But I will be the first to admit that it is easy to let lifes battles and tribulations cloud my focus.
"Woe is me" is such an easy trap to find yourself bound within.
I am so fortunate. I was blessed with a family that loves me unconditionally. My Mother and older brother have passed, but I know they are with me, loving me as they did while they were here. My Father, three sisters and younger brother may be two thousand miles away but I keep them very close to my heart. I know they love me and they know I love them.
If that weren't enough, the Universe has given me some wonderful friends. They are my family too. They are the ones that I am able to share all the shit that comes with living day to day. They are also the first ones I call when something good presents itself to me. They put up with me being a story teller, teller, teller. When I go on incessantly about a new experience or person in my life, they just smile and are happy for me. I am able to cry and laugh with them. Most often, because of my nature, both at the same time. I have been accused of being too focused on my friends. What a short-sighted, selfish way to look at true love. Guilty as charged!
If it were possible to list all of them here, I would. They know that I love them.
I hope and pray that my gratitude and appreciation will always be the beat that keeps me dancing through this life.
Please, tell the people in your life how much you love and appreciate them. Not only will it make them feel as special as they should but it will enrich your soul.
Great timely post. It is all too easy to slip into thte habit of seeing only the 'downside'.
That you work at being happy, and thankful each day will pay off in the long run.
I love you man!
I know you do R!
Hey AJ, Hope you and yours had a Happy Thanksgiving! Peace
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