Last Dance, Last Chance...

I have never had such an enjoyable trip. Was it the cruise or the company? The company!
Every day there were countless activities to choose from. Batman and I were always in agreement as to how to share our time. Some days were extremely laid back. We'd sleep in, eat a lot, and lay by the pool. Other days we would enjoy an off-board excursion and go to different dances or shows at night.
We didn't attend a show that we could've done without. We saw Margaret Cho, Kristine W, a Broadway Revue, ice dancing (yes, the boat even had an ice rink!), The Facts of Life (a campy drag queen version of your favorite boarding house gurls with a twist - Blair and Jo are operating a brothel in the house. Since the "boi look" is so popular, Jo is in high demand, which as you can imagine, doesn't sit well with Blair).
The dances were also incredible spectacles. There we were, a floating tribe in the Caribbean while lasers were shooting outward from the top deck. The deejay list included Manny Lehmen, Warren Gluck, Abel, and Tony Moran.
As soon as we left Miami, the weather was perfect. By Friday I was relaxed but worn out, soaked by the sun and wanting more, horny yet completely satiated, tired from all the dancing but keeping my dancing shoes on!
I don't remember who the deejay was or if there was even a theme for the last tea dance that afternoon. We both enjoyed the music while dancing off to the side of the usual moving melee. While gazing over the top of the sea of bouncing heads on the dancefloor, I noticed the sun was beginning to disappear. I grabbed Batman by the hand and led him to the side of the ship.
Every night the sunset was beautiful. This evening was no different. As we locked our eyes on the sinking orb, I wrapped my arms around my Superhero. We stood there for quite some time just holding each other and appreciating what The Universe had allowed us to witness.
As I stood there with this amazing man thinking about all the times I had wanted to tell him how I had completely fallen for him, I kept hearing my good buddy TC tell me to make sure that I created moments while on the trip. The setting, the man, the feelings were all in alignment, yet I couldn't put myself out there. Unfortunately, Robin doubles as Super Chicken! I've regretted it ever since.
The next morning, we awoke to the sound of rain and the bustling of Miami. It was hard to say good-bye to the ship. I wanted keep her, but decided that even I didn't have a bag that large...
Batman took me to the airport several hours later. After his truck was out of sight I exhaled a huge breath and released the tears I had been holding back. When would I see him again? Why didn't I muster the courage to let him know how I felt? Would my feelings be reciprocated? Is there a future for this Dynamic Duo?
I arrived back in Northern California very early on Sunday morning. By Monday morning I couldn't handle the uncertainty an longer. This Caped Coward fired off an e-mail to Batman detailing how I felt and explaining how there were many times on the ship that I had wanted to express these feelings.
SEVERAL hours later I got the response I had hoped for. Batman felt the same way. He also had wanted to say things to me, but couldn't... I have never cried so many tears of joy!
This coming Friday we will be reunited in Palm Springs. Needless to say, I can't wait! This time, I am not holding back!
Even though it was our last dance on the boat, it wasn't our last chance.
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