The Grinch Threw A Christmas Party

Last night was my employers Christmas party. It has been a tough year for those of us who have stuck it out. There have been a few employees leave for various reasons. Some of those reasons include: inadequate health insurance, no dental or vision plans, ever increasing work loads, self-admitted unattainable goals for the quarterly bonus program... When additional help has been hired, they have no experience and are clueless interacting with humans. You get what you paid for...
Two years ago, at my first Christmas party with this employer, I received $200 in cash. I had only been there for eight weeks and I was pretty happy. Last year, the bonus was $500 minus the taxes. Again, I was pleased. This year, instead of handing out envelopes and roasting each employee, as was the tradition, there was a white elephant gift exchange - gifts provided. I ended up with a new day planner plus $150 in cash. Great, now I will think of the cheap bastard every day of the year.
Some of you may think that I am ungrateful. Believe me, I am not. I have worked my ass off for this company and so have others.
I told myself two months ago that if the bonus at the end of the year sucked, it would be time to move on. This morning, my ears are ringing from the "beep, beep, beep" of the moving truck backing up.
At the end of January I have a week of vacation scheduled. There is no way I am going to jeopardize that. I suppose it would be best to get the latest edition of my resume out to the world during the first week of the month.
What are the chances that the Grinch's heart will grow three sizes? Slim to none! I think it will be best to check out of Who-ville.
ah the gears of capitalism greased by the blood of the workers D'OH!
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