Sunday, October 30, 2005

The end of DST

Since I am never able to sleep as late or as sound as I would like, I do not need an extra hour of sleep on a Sunday morning. Who needs that? Where else are you going to be on a Sunday morning but sleeping and/or taking it easy? Sure, some people are comfortable with their organized religious meetings - Not that I am against people worshipping on their knees - It is just not for me.
I do value my time. So, once again I am bucking the norm. My clocks will not be changed until tonight. It will make for a much better Monday morning. Although, not all of my timepieces are with me on this. I have noticed that both of my cell phones and my computer have already enjoyed their extra hour.
What will Sunday bring? Hmmmm, so far just laundry, a workout and a good run at the "boi park" are scheduled. I need to go see J&D's (My Will & Grace - yes, that makes me either Jack or Karen - which depends on my day) addition to their house. Maybe a beer or two with Angry Robbie...
I don't have a fever, but something is going on, I haven't gotten laid all weekend, don't even care! Maybe I am subconsciously saving it up. I will be seeing "Batman" in less than two weeks when we rendezvous in Palm Springs together. MORE ON HIM LATER...


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